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Automatic solid standard banding machine

  • Banding is performed by freely selecting the optimal strength using a high-speed tightening mechanism from soft tightening to up to 80 km.
  • The bending speed is about 1.5 times faster than before, so a cardboard box the size of a tangerine box can be banded in an average of 1.8 seconds.
  • Even in the strongest tightening of the band, energy consumption has been minimized by adopting a new mechanism that consumes the least power.
  • By adopting the oilless method, there is no need to refuel.

Semi-automatic low floor standard banding machine

  • Regardless of package size
  • The low table height makes packaging of heavy products easy.
  • Can be manufactured according to height to fit existing lines

Automatic Tape Sealer AUTO TAPING M/C

  • Automatically taps the top and bottom while grounding the top cover of the box with copper.
  • Suitable for mass production on automated lines
  • Up, down or simultaneous tapping is possible

inclined conveyor

  • Portable type, so easy to move from place to place
  • Height can be easily adjusted hydraulically.
  • Minimize noise by using a bending frame and all types of slicing.
  • Individual angle adjustment of main conveyor and auxiliary conveyor is possible
  • Can also be used as a power source for home and factory use
  • Ideal for incline transport by using a package belt
  • For convenience of use in containers and general vehicles, it can be expanded by attaching a twist conveyor to the top of the main conveyor.


  • Versatile, including stretching, shortening, raising, lowering and bending all in one go
  • Easy to store because it is reduced to 1/4 of the maximum length when minimized.
  • When using a curve (180 degrees), the minimum inner diameter is suitable for space saving.
  • For long lines, 2~3 or more units can be connected.
  • Currently, warehouses storing a variety of products can change their logistics locations, so transportation systems require simple installation and disassembly.

Drive conveyor

  • Since the conveyor and table are manufactured and assembled separately, repair, repair, and movement are easy and their use can be changed.
  • Ergonomic design reduces worker fatigue when working for long periods of time
  • Custom-made according to the type of transported material to maximize productivity
  • Beautiful appearance and rust-free using AL Prefile Frame
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